Sunday, December 11, 2011


Random thoughts that have been piercing me from the inside trying to escape. Questioning only and judging itself. Asking what does your Soul look like? Looking into my own eyes, the windows of my inner man. Making sure there is no cloudiness. No walls of protection. No false intentions. No hiding who i Am really am. Confessing the truth. loving what I see as a reflection, Are you afraid of being naked? clothing yourself with doubt, fear, material items and addictions. No I choose to put away these childish ways. Again recognizing I am HIS workmanship, His daily Art masterpiece that his pleasure is to perfect me day after day.

Lets All Refuse to live a Life of Mediocrity.

To whom Much has been given, much is expected.

I never have and will be the Victim, Instead I choose to be the Predator. Chasing the prey of success, and choosing my ending from the Beginning.

Staying focused on the Joy that is Set before me, and ignoring ALL Distractions.

written by AARON WATKINS

Saturday, October 1, 2011

No Lie

FAREALS! NO LIE! I just saw 2 homeless people kissing in Downtown PHX at the bus Stop. That brings a whole new meaning to the phrase '' You so nasty'' lol I bet he was like " Girl! I didn't know you were so dirty" She was like I know. I haven't showered in 2 weeks! your so dirty too. lol Im sorry forgive me Lord. and Aaron? Why are you so Dumb? So Dumb! I say these 2 phrases at least 99 times a day. Forgive me Lord and AARON Why are you So Dumb? Not always necessarily in that order. Picture me laughing and grinning all hard with my new shiny braces on.. Im Glad that I can find Amusement in These LAST DAYS.. as they are called. Maybe you have right now Times of Stress, low income or even no income. I never been homeless before. How Hard could That be? If those 2 can still show LOVE, Then why can't We?

Monday, January 17, 2011


We have all veiled our glory, or someone has veiled it for us. But the Time has come to set all veils aside. Our destiny is to become FULLY ALIVE. The Deeper Reason we fear our own glory is that once we let others see it, They will have seen the truest us, and that is NAKEDNESS indeed. I of all people understand that it takes COURAGE TO BE YOURSELF, But Be STRONG and Stop hiding and let people see who you really are. We are meant to shine like Stars in the Universe.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Written in William Henley. Nelson Mandela would recite this often to his cell mates while being imprisoned for 27 years. Clint Eastwood Named His Movie after this poem


OUT of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul."
William Ernest Henley (Poems by William Ernest Henley)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

0 to 60 while drinking Arizona lemonade

I WAS WRITTEN BY AARON WATKINS LAST NIGHT. I AM ALL OVER THE BOARD. EMOTION MIXED WITH INSPIRATION! HOW DO I SEPARATE THE TWO? IDK, and I don’t think it is possible. I have this client named Shaniqua. Yeah thats hers name, Shaniqua Jackson. She is one of those clients that we all have. She is consistently 20 minutes late to all her appointments. But she still wants in depth consultation, head Massages and her feet rubbed.

I am like ‘hey Shaniqua! I do not! I repeat I do not rub down feet, especially when toes LIKE YOURS have Corns and Veggies on them’. She Starts laughing and we carry on with her service and blow-dry. She is one of my Favorite clients. Probably because she lets me be free with my mouth and talk crazy to her without her taking me to serious.

So I finish spraying her new cut with Head-rush and Masterpiece Hairspray. Then I Show her the dopeness I did in the back with the mirror and she starts poppin her neck from side to side and rollin her eyes. I never seen eyes roll back that far, So I start yelling for my brother, ‘CALEB! CALEB! CALL THE AMBULANCE! THIS BEEZY IS HAVIN A SEIZURE.’ She says back at me, Im not havin a seizure fool. I didn’t asked for this old 2008 pre-Chris Brown beat down Rihanna haircut. I want that 2010 ish! and I love that new song “ Hey Baby, Hey Baby Im Rockstar”! Okay okay American Idol calm down. I don’t have time to Switch it. I got 2 clients Waiting, I have not eating lunch and My female Friend Deja has been holding on line 2 for me, So Shaniqua tipped me $50, ( Im a Baller) she Stayed pre Chris Brown for another 6 weeks and I got on line 2 and politic’d with Deja for minute. So Deja Starts to elaborate on her day, telling me about how her Family stresses her out, and how her sister is a brat and her dad is on some other type stuff.. Now I usually will not sit and listen to other folks Drama. I got my own issues to work on, ya feel me? But with her it is different. She’s not my lady or nothin, but our Communication is finding it’s way. We Can talk about Sports, life, Traveling, Religion, Faith, pretty much anything. For Example....

I Just Got Done Reading this book called the ‘Song of Solomon’ and I was telling her the meaning of this small book. This book is somewhat poetic but it is a dialogue form. You could read it in a day. Its a conversations between Solomon and this Woman. He’s pouring his heart out to her all wimpy like. Now Im pretty sure that I read this book before in private school in Junior high, but now that Im older I know for a fact that I had no clue of what was going on here. Because my Man Solomon (smh), .....he gets all graphic an erotic on your boy Aaron. Real Talk! (shaking my head..SMH). He’s Start telling her what he wants to do, and How He wants to do it. But Of course he is all discreet & smoove-like wit it. yeah i said Smooooof. He Uses words and phrases like Her Garden, her fruits and spices. Im like that Singer Usher right about now “Ooooo My Gosh” omg!!! Im all covering up my eyes and ears like I am 5 again watching an inappropriate seen in the living room with my parents. ‘AARON! CLOSE YOUR EYES!’ IM ALL TRYIN TO PEEK THRU MY FINGERS AND SEE the goodness on THE TELEVISION SCREEN. LOL. DON’t judge me I was 5. My bad lets get back to Solomon. Im not 12 no more. I turn 30 in 2 weeks. ‘Solomon my man’. I know what your really talking about now. You are talkin about Making Love, Sexy Tiempo, in todays vocab..having SEX. BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY HE’ IS TALKING ABOUT HOW HE WANTS TO SPEND TIME WITH this WOMAN AND HOW MUCH HE LOVES her. BUT THEN IT UNFOLDED TO ME. THERE IS nothing wrong with him talking about his love for this woman. It was all created for the Good. Right? but then it got deeper. I’ll try to explain this as best I can. God Will find his way into any mans art! Sometimes I hear a song about a person expressing themselves about what he or she wants do for that individual. Or they may show in some action of how they care for that friend or even someone they don’t even know.

Then now I recognize and smell something sweet, fresh and new. I noticeHis small details now. This idea and These concepts are not new but they are rare. Some people prophesy about the future and don’t even know it. Some individuals are natural encouragers and do not realize how awesome that gift is. And Some people sing about Love and don’t recognize that they are actually talking about the God. Said it once befo’.... God does have love. God Is Love. They are kinda like synonyms. There is no difference. Im not talking about regular human Love. like if I buy you that new purse or if you cook my dinner I’ll maybe love you. I mean Agape love. The kind that is not based on merit, or just emotion but a determined act of your will. “ A Joyful resolve to put others before yourself.” yeah I know. You don’t see people putting others before themselves to often.

Lets try to lessen the number of haters in the world and increase the number of lovers. Then It got even Deeper. Then I read a blog about Solomon and his Woman. It was actually a metaphor How God loves his creation. Another metaphor about God and his children and how the people of Israel’s relationship with God Was so up and Down. And such is life. This book was written like probably around 1000 B.C. We have not changed much, Still Sometimes We have high belief and Faith and other times, weak moments because We are STEPPING ON peoples TOES, AND MOVING 0-60MPH IN 4-6 WEEKS WHICH IS I AGREE IS TOO FAST for just one short life. But on the other hand you only live once and life is about taking chances. At least thats what I told Deja. But Girls are so misunderstand. Dear God, you have given man the wisdom to understand a little about love, but I seem to get dumber about Women every day. explain that one please. And not in metaphor form.!

Monday, September 6, 2010

my hair journal

I think the main reason for our trip to the London, and Salerno academies in Europe this year was to reenergize, if there is such word. All of us are Salon hair stylists. But we needed to see the other side of the canvas. Cutting Ms Smith graduated layers every 6-8 wasn't filling the void if you know what Im sayn. For me to stay excited I have to do and see something new. So thats what the 10 of us did. We invaded the Real education of Tigi. The photo-shoots, the behind the scenes of the new collection. The videos, storyboards, or even just a new cape that Tigi has put out would probably motivate us. We will take anything that gives us something to look forward to. I think I can speak for all of us on the Phx Art team and say that we admire Heath (former Phoenician) and the fact that he works with Anthony creating Ad campaigns and collections year after year. But until then we make it happen for ourselves. Local fashion shows week after week, bridal expos, recruitment, PR on every level, and of course spreading Tigi in every grungy small town in Arizona, that no ones heard of. And yes even the borders of Mexico do not escape my trunk full Bed Head products and Hardcore tools. ITS WHAT WE DO! Anything to diversify, feel different, or to remind ourselves of the Big Picture of why we part and comb hair to begin with.

Salerno- We were first greeted by Ricky and Fabio after being lost in Translation in Rome for a 3 days We spent a full day at the academy. Fabio and his crew showed us hospitality that I hadn’t quite experienced like that before. Our entire group was humbled by this point. From seeing I think every square in. of the Academy, To Gaetano being our personal Driver to take our group of 10 Around the Almafi Coast. And seeing where they filmed the new mens collection in the back alleys of the city. Fabio also shared with us a new customer service attitude in todays economy. Then we returned to the academy to have a feast of mozzarella ,salad, and bread waiting for us. And then Dinner later on that night with Claudio and Ricky at small spot downtown. So the next morn they picked us up again in a bus w/o hesitation to take us to the train station. Then we left to Barcelona (free Catalonia) for 2 1/2 days before Heath-row came in to play.

The first day in London moved pretty quick. A short visit to the Academy, then to Bed Head studios. We were greeted by Kieren then Anthony then Nick. From there.... we walked upstairs into a sea of other art team member that were from scattered parts of the globe. Jay was already on camera working thru his mens shape. Then Thomas followed with a tall model from Argentina. Over the next 3-4 days in the studio, I got to see all the hard work that gets put in. Myself and Ashley were fortunate enough to get interviews on video w/ most of the artists including Anthony . Barry told us about the color looks that would be released shortly in the states and Zak talked about his early years of hairdressing and how he struggled.

I think the coolest thing I witnessed was during the photo-shoot the last day. The team was shooting a curly haired brunette and I guess Nick wanted the hair to have this appearance of being wind blown around as Roberto Aguilar snapped off shots. I didn't see any huge fans around. But what I did See was Anthony Mascolo walking over to this tall styrofoam wall and Karate kick it in-half. Then he picks up this thick slab of styrofoam, starts fanning the model. And these perfect black-in-white images start popping up on the monitor. It was disgusting!

So yeah it was a good trip. Even though after 2 weeks in Europe my wallet was evacuated, and Carlito pockets resembled bunny ears, we had a blast in the month of march. Whether my phone got stolen in Rome, or Bree Losing her debit card in Barcelona, it didn’t really matter. We will definitely be going again every year till we get on the Traveling Art Team. Until then Short trips to Santa Monica and NYC academy will do.

` see ya in Cancun AVW

Sunday, August 8, 2010

one day

……one day we will come to realize that we need Him more than air and more than water.

To fill every crack, occupy every void and saturate every desire,

Sunday, June 6, 2010


strong with the pen

Strong when I win

Strong 'Finish him'

my minds on ten

Slip when i fall

fall when i sin

trust only him

Father till the end

Strong with the pen

Strong with the lense

strong with the heart

strong with a tuff start

Gotta stay shy

gotta stay fly

filled to the brim

overflowed once again

Try to understand

Im misunderstood

maybe misonstrued

because im strong till the end

Saturday, June 5, 2010

more than N E Thing

i love God more than anything

I was blessed by the Creator, to be one of the more Creative ones

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Remember when you were a kid.......

Remember when you were a kid and on the night before school you would lay your clothes on the bed all organized with the new sneaks under the shorts. Because you knew your threads were cooler than the next kid. Exciting right?

Remember wearing your karate uniform as pajamas.

Remember using a towel tucked in to the back of your shirt pretending to be superman?

Remember ‘now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, and If I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Remember believing everything your parents told you.

Remember Saturday morning and after school cartoons.

Remember time-out ! I don't. I got my ass beat instead.......Repeatedly!

Remember when your parents forgot to pick you up from school, Hopefully it was just me and not all of you.

Remember going to work with your parents all day and all the time .... For some reason this persuasion has extended till the age of 30. Lol. I love life. I hope you love yours. If not just remember how far you have came from
aaron watkins

Saturday, May 15, 2010

one up


So I had this Client today Linda right? and She was telling me about her friend. Lets say her name is Sarah. I cant remember her real name, so Sarah will have to do for now. So Linda was telling Sarah how she was on this plane one time and she was having bad turbulence on the way back home from Jamaica. She was all nervous and scared, giving her details on how she felt. So Sarah bust out at the end of the story and says yeah i was on a plane before. Thats it! kinda weird huh?

Exactly Sara is that 'one-up girl'. You know? every time you tell a story or even talk They have to one up you. For instance you can be talking about a concert experience you had and then your friend comes in and says naw naw . If you think that Al-B-Sure concert was good ,i went to the Jodeci concert and it was way better. Or if you think that Big Gulp is good from 7 eleven. You should get the Slushy from quick trip.. thats what i get.

Everyone has probably been guilty once or twice but Why do some people always feel the need to one up you. Is it just to relate or is it insecurity? I am sure everyone has a employee or family member who one ups you. if not you might be that one upper' Well regardless of Linda's story, I had to do it! I one upped her with somebody i know who always one-ups me. So lindas friends sarah don't got nothing on my friend, he is the king one upping. I can always depend on him shuttin my experiences down.


Monday, May 10, 2010





Monday, May 3, 2010

Michael Anne

This is Michael Anne..
I went to school with her brother back in highschool Now she is studying to be a hairdresser. I shot this at my parents house 3 weeks ago

Tuesday, April 27, 2010



Monday, April 19, 2010


italian Summer


807pm.I have been entirely too busy Lately. Between Trying to sell my condo, Photography, Hair, clients, Photo-shoots and shows, there hasn’t been much room for anything extra. I have needed to get this out and on paper for at least a week and half now. I have been driving around thinking, wanting to pull over and write, but as usual I am running late for an appointment. Anyone who writes probably goes through similar challenges. I’ll get compelled to write because of something I heard inspirational but I don’t get a chance to write because of the daily routine of life. I try my best not to wait, because at that particular time what I feel is the purest. Even more importantly, how I felt at that exact moment can’t be brought back or re-triggered very easily. SO LETS TRY ANYHOW!
Usually in my cases it is stemmed from lyrics over a guitar like Lauryn Hill, Chris Tomlin, or Kings of Leon. I try to keep my music Selection diverse (wink). Or my inspiration might come from a book that I am reading and one sentence or one word will provokes me. ‘I start to think and then I sink into the paper, like I was ink’. Trapped in between the lines on paper. Then my mind separates from my body and I begin to see the Quality, the beauty and art in Everything......Camelback Rd Starts moving in slow motion. A 15 minute ride seems like a trip to Cali. Better yet Time might as well be suspended. I get lost in a Sea of birds flying in Sync. Lines are created by Shadows and small amounts of light on a wall. The emptiness and quietness of a passing dirt field feels perfect. ‘Then my life becomes a puddle to the subtle glimpse of blue skies’
Do you know how your body really works? Have you looked at that clouds from a plane window? I don’t think you do, nor do I think you have.
Sometimes I think the He has given me his eyes to see his Children as sees it. And That is that He loves this place and you are His favorite child who He is especially fond of. Your freckles, your hair, your grin, your style, your walk, your tears, all your imperfect self.
( standing on top of the table yelling and grinding my teeth ) HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH! but you can’t fully fathom how much. Our minds can’t understand how it all works. I see and hear his voice in everything.
Can someone step up to the plate? Do you know how to love? Can you serve? Can you kiss? Can you Hug and embrace? If nothing else the new commandment is to love your fellow man as yourself. A letter that Paul wrote says YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT LOVE!
He whispers loudly’ my love for you is everlasting’ I long to be intimate with you. You can be rich as Bill Gates or Give all you possess away but without love it is useless. Only the things you do in Love will last. Only the things you do For God will last. God is Love. The words are synonymous. You can not have one without the other. Whether you help an elderly across the street, smile at someone across the room, or go out of your way to help someone in real need. That is operating in love or showing God inside of you.
What ever you set out to do, hair, photography, school, Cooking, or business? Do it With a right heart. Do it with passion. From what I hear, you only get one life to live. So go at it Aggressively. Take Life by the throat until she gives you what you want and you fulfill your purpose.
I will come down from the dinning room table. I know I might be a little loud and obnoxious but I am just starting to scratch the surface of finding out who I am and discover what my gifts are. It’s quite exciting and interesting at the same. One thing I came realize early in my youth was that I am very determined. About what? About Everything.
But tonight I just realized That I might be.... a late bloomer
aaron watkins

Monday, April 5, 2010

late bloomer

807pm.I have been entirely too busy Lately. Between Trying to sell my condo, Photography, Hair, clients, Photo-shoots and shows, there hasn’t been much room for anything extra. I have needed to get this out and on paper for at least a week and half now. I have been driving around thinking, wanting to pull over and write, but as usual I am running late for an appointment. Anyone who writes probably goes through similar challenges. I’ll get compelled to write because of something I heard inspirational but I don’t get a chance to write because of the daily routine of life. I try my best not to wait, because at that particular time what I feel is the purest. Even more importantly, how I felt at that exact moment can’t be brought back or re-triggered very easily. SO LETS TRY ANYHOW!

Usually in my cases it is stemmed from lyrics over a guitar like Lauryn Hill, Chris Tomlin, or Kings of Leon. I try to keep my music Selection diverse (wink). Or inspiration might come from a book that I am reading and one sentence or one word will provokes me. I start to think and then I sink into the paper like I was ink. Trapped in between the lines on paper. Then my mind separates from my body and I begin to see the Quality, the beauty and art in Everything......Camelback Rd Starts moving in slow motion. A 15 minute ride seems like a trip to Cali. Better yet Time might as well be suspended. I get lost in a Sea of birds flying in Sync. Lines are created by Shadows and small amounts of light on a wall. The emptiness and quiet of a passing dirt field feels perfect. My life is a puddle to the subtle glimpse of blue skies

Do you know how your body really works? Have you looked at that clouds from a plane window? I don’t think you do nor do I think you have.

Sometimes I think the He has given me his eyes to see his Children as sees it. And That is that He loves this place and you are His favorite child who he is especially fond of. Your freckles, your hair, your grin, your walk, your tears, all your imperfect self.

( standing on top of the table yelling and grinding my teeth ) HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH! but you can’t fully fathom how much and understand how it all works. I see and hear his voice in everything.

Can someone step up to the plate? Do you know how to love? Can you serve? Can you kiss? Can you Hug and embrace? If nothing else the new commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. A letter that Paul wrote says YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT LOVE.

He whispers loudly’ my love for you is everlasting’ I long to be intimate with you. You can be rich as Bill Gates or Give all you possess away but without love it is useless. Only the things you do in Love will last. Only the things you do For God will last. God is Love. The words are synonymous. You can not have one without the other. Whether you help an elderly across the street, smile at someone across the room, or go out of your way to help someone in real need. That is operating in love or showing God inside of you.

What ever you set out to do, hair, photography, school, Cooking, or business? Do it With a right heart. Do it with passion. From what I heard you only get one life to live. So go at it Aggressively. Take it by the throat until you get what you want and you fulfill your purpose.

I will come down from the dinning room table. I know I might be a little loud and obnoxious but I am just starting to scratch the surface of who I am and discover what my gifts are. It’s quite exciting. One thing I came realize early in my youth was that I am very determined. About what? About Everything.

But tonight I just realized That I might be.... a late bloomer


aaron watkins

Sunday, December 6, 2009


A week on-going conversation

We are going to be so mad at ourselves when we get to heaven!

When we figure out how much power we had on earth and did not use it. Because we did not realize our own strength, and our own potential. We did not realize who we really were and what we could have accomplished.

After we arrive our eyes will be fully opened. The fear and doubt will be pealed off of us. Our indecisiveness and lack of faith will no longer cloud our minds.

I am greater than I know and bigger than I seem because greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world.

Lord Let me not have any regrets of what I should have attempted or done on this short time on Earth. I want my talents to be used up and my gifts to be emptied.

Even as I sink into the keys trapped between these lines... I realize that I am more than a conqueror, predestined for greatness because You are mindful of me


Saturday, October 24, 2009

my favorite MC


Welcome to THE struggle, where a poet got a rhyme hustle,

Goin through It blind, cause it know it more mind than muscle.

When “THE DVIVINE” humble?, my pride crumbles, my eyes bubble with tears makin it clear where eyes stumble

Its like im double when im in trouble, I got 2 sides. My life’s a puddle to a sudden glimpse of Blue skies,

Carry the rain away , it varies from day to day, no matter what we say, we change…. But remember who Remains the same.

We send up prayers in HIS name, …with our hopes it might help you quote givin up praise to GOD if you felt what I wrote, your head noddin till I melt in denotes, heart throbbin puts a swell on my throat. Smoothing sailing till we fell of the boat,

now we swimming in SIN, treadin WATER waiting for our ship to come in.



What if we had a say so?

What if we were there at the beginning when he created us?

What if he let us choose certain characteristics, about our life before it all began?

What if some of the struggles that we face was our verdict and by our design? Because we knew that they would help us achieve greatness in the end.

What if Our Maker was more loving than we realized and gave us a choice.?

What if the flaws in our existence were not flaws at all? But were there to make us more alluring or interesting.

What if going to another level was of our pick, and the timing was our own? Isn’t that what our three-score and ten is about ? choices? The right to free will . The option to choose our career and spouse. Or to choose right or wrong..

God created the concept of Life. And our families seem to shape our upbringing and our thinking, But in the end the decision is our own.

What if we had a say so in beginning before time began. What if we still have the say so now, and can turn our weakness into strength. Or our enemies into friends and our grudges into acts of kindness. What if there was no such thing as perfect timing. And the opportunity was of the present-now and not the later.



Monday, October 5, 2009

everyday peeps

Every day people

I seen a picture of them sitting in their living room on the internet, Everyday people. Hardworking Christian family with two small kids. Still living in the Southside of Chicago? Are you serious? Americans that reside in the midwest, but soon to be on the east coast. Both parents went to College, studied hard and CAME UP. Its definitely motivating, there are no more excuses for me or anyone . Any goal that human being is trying to obtain has become obtainable. Whether it has been health issues, job and career goals, a mental state, or even physical limitations. It can be accomplished!

Now I actually feel like, …in my mind,…. that I could be president, I believe that I can do anything through Christ, who gives me strength, and with the direction of the Holy Spirit. ….You see most families are blessed, the rest of the families just don’t know they are. Not knowing and not believing are a killer combo. Its like being rich and famous but on the entire opposite end. The negative end! Okay better analogy. Its like having no money and no drive to go get it. Believing in yourself and knowing who you really are, is like having Shaq and Kobe pre-breakup. To have speed and strength, or sword and a shield.

Barack and his family entering the white House is Good thing, And Good things only come from our Creator. This election picked some folks up, This gave some a new ,a rebirth, whatever you wanna call it. It uplifted old, young, downspirited, and every person who said I can’t. I wont even say I cant believe it because that would be in justice. Because Nov 4 happened. And it happened big. Jesses Jackson, crying , Oprah snotting all over that man she didn’t even know, Kenyans in Africa dancing in the street. Nov 4 a National Holiday? No World holiday! But No I guess one step at a time Right? Is the U.S. ready for a black president? If you aint ready, you better get ready! And like Chris Rock said ,” You know how I know we are ready for a black President? Because we just had a retarded one and were still here. Aaron Watkins


english homework

persuasion paragraph

If I could change one thing at work, it would be that we could focus more on the quality and the love of Hairdressing and less on quantity of clients and money. Of course this would be in a Utopian environment but it would still be great as an artist to experience change. I have been a hairdresser for 10 years and I have been around the industry since I was old enough to remember. Most of the time, but not all, an employee’s performance is rated on how much money they are bringing in. For me there is another alternative to make the 40-50 hour work week more enjoyable. For instance, I always create my best work when I am doing it for free. Whether I am doing it for inner-city kids who really need haircuts, Battered women's homes, or local fashions shows to create excitement, I am doing it because I love cutting hair and not because I am trying to get to get paid. I ask hairdressers all the time why did they decide to do hair. Most of them say they are artistically inclined and they can express themselves, or because they love hair, fashion, music and these industry are all cousins of each other. The funny thing is that you can make loads of money in this industry, but it shouldn’t be the focal point. I believe the money will come if you keep the real reason of why you became a hairdresser in front of you.

aaron 10-5-2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So Blue

I usually see blue before I see black. Maybe because there are clear skies in Phoenix 300 hundred days a year. Maybe because there aren’t many clouds here. Or JUST maybe its blue because it was his favorite and when I look up to the sky, I see endless possibilities for my future and I remember to never think small.

The Creators favor color might have been green. But that has too much relation with the greed of money that plagues our nation, or the twelve hour workdays we put in just to get a flat screen in every room. Lets be clear. Me and We are all guilty of wanting more ISH. But I don’t feel like my mind was made strong just to accumulate more STUFF

Blue sometimes represents Royalty, which He definitely is, In by which makes us sons and daughters to the Most High. I imagine when he looks down from his throne, through space, at the earth, that first color he notices has to be blue right? If God gave us a sense of Humor, what makes you think he doesn’t just bust out laughing sometimes at certain things we do. If he can give us Taste Buds for a favorite Food, then I think He can have a favorite color, which might be blue.

Maybe Red? Because it’s a primary color, Or because it runs through our veins and it is the life source of Man, but I can’t help but think about the blood Jesus shed for Man willingly. Or all the atonements that came from animals before Christ came.

Blue for me means seeing the world and every country in it. It means I have No Fear of a Divine Romance. It means in no way shall any harm come near me. It means I have to get up every time I fall . And only God knows the number of times I fell in my youth and now I am afraid of no – thing.

aaron watkins


About Me

My photo
Phoenix, AZ, United States
I love Jesus, Hair, Fashion, and my Fam